Want to add breadcrumbs to the mobile view for your site? We've come up with some custom CSS (thanks, @Brian Lenz!) that you can use to show the "closest" two levels of the forum breadcrumbs on mobile devices. You would insert this CSS in the the Custom CSS field in your Display Settings: .breadcrumbs-wrapper.hide-for-small-only { display: inherit !important; } @media only screen and (max-width: 40.0625em) { .h-page-for-FORUM nav.breadcrumbs li.breadcrumb { display: none; }...
Hello, Crowdstack people! We migrated our community from Facebook at the end of last year and have been looking for creative ways to bring more of our Facebook following to our shiny new Hoop.la space. We came up with an interesting option! We implemented a chatbot for Facebook Messenger that allows us to automate correspondence with our fan base and offer them options based on keyword inputs. It's a great way to steer our Facebook audience into specific areas of the community based on their...
I hear & see where you are coming from. At work I have to carry over & or "bank" leave I have not taken in a "leave year". So the following year I have more to take but I still may not have the need to take this leave. If the concept of unlimited leave was used, this situation would not exist & I would be comfortable in the knowledge that should the circumstances occur the leave would be available if required... Simple.. Having said that, I do work with some (very undisciplined)...
Very interesting ideas. I will try to get a copy of Built to last. Here are two links to a fellow LiveCloud member. First one is her LiveCloud account. The second one is a link to the book she has available regarding on-line behaviors. Check them out if you get a chance. by Communitygirl 18 Rules for community engagement
Why do you think it was that there was no trouble on the original Groupee side of things until it merged into LiveCloud?. You have to admit we had a very well behaved bunch. Sadly this no longer exists as a result of these "rogue group of members" We had something special IMO.
Are you talking about the GaGaJoyJoy users? If so, then that would be due to that community being merged into LiveCloud. The original Groupee and LiveCloud are the same thing (at the core), just with the addition and subtraction of some features.
Reference: Are you talking about the GaGaJoyJoy users A very small proportion of them. Nearly all of them are great but that is when this "rogue element" started
Hi Rosemary, I heard about this news on King 5 today and admire you for your courage and conviction. I am a fan of this style of leadership and have had little success implementing it myself. I would love to be able to chat with you sometime, if you have some time. I look forward to hearing back from you. PS: I am not looking for a job . Tarang | http://tarangkaushal.livejournal.com/ MBA Candidate, Class of 2010 Michael G. Foster School of Business University of Washington
I would like to commend you for the spirit of your efforts. Hopefully, your smaller payroll will allow you to make this system work. But for most corporations, I firmly believe this approach would be doomed to failure. This policy will turn into a nightmare for any who would rebel against the oppression seen in corporations who create policies based on the performance of the LCD. The standard will be set not by "Disciplined people who engage in disciplined thought and who take disciplined...
I don't understand how this works with medical leave. What if someone has a long illness -- are they still getting paid their usual wages/salary? In my company, we believe we are renting 40 hours per week of our employees' time. We do not expect them to work longer hours to do their jobs. We would never put them in the position of competing against each other for who can work the longest hours. We have single mothers and older people on our payroll. We have no desire to pit these people...
Reference: Sounds like a great system for o/c overachievers who have no other lives. Not at ALL true, donnarae! Ever since I've started working at Social Strata (10 years in May), I've heard about the necessary balance of life and work, and I've been encouraged to live outside of work. All of us have lives, some of us have small children and some have important parts to play in others' lives. There are no overachievers with no other lives here! This CAN work. In ANY company. The key is...
I hope it works -- I think it is a great way to treat employees. I don't think our bunch is ready for it. Too many little squabbles and turf wars going on. How do you handle abuse? At some point, if it is abused, some kind of action has to occur. I know that you have exceptional employees and don't anticipate any problems, but do you have a plan for what to do if someone does abuse it? Thanks, Donna
We saw the article and wanted to salute you! My husband and i are the owners of ZenSpot, Inc. in Eugene, Oregon. www.zenspotmbs.com and the hosts of ZenSpot Radio on 1320AM in Eugene or www.1320inforadio.com . We have begun a Healthy Leadership Project that we would love for you to be part of. Might you be interested in coming on our live show? We air Fridays from 3-4PM. We'd love to interview you as part of our Healthy Leadership campaign. Let me know if you are interested. We'd love to...
I LOVE the idea of this Rosemary ... but I really can't see it taking off in the UK? I know that sounds a bit negative ... but I just don't think we are brave enough to try it!! Interesting that you mention Best Busy ... I recall a story about them a while ago where they were recruiting, and one of the criteria was that the applicant had to have 250 followers on Twitter. I'd love to read your opinion on that
LOL thanks Rexi! You guys already have some mandates about paid leave time anyway, right? I hadn't heard about Best Buy's recruiting concept regarding Twitter. Sounds like something that might have been a good idea to help evaluate whether the candidate is "social" or not, but that's kind of a random metric to pluck out of thin air. With all of the auto-followers and schemes out there, number of Twitter followers is too easy to game. If I wanted to hire "socially engaged" employees (and I...
Blimey I'd best go and sign up with Twitter etc. I am sooo bad at this social media malarky! I do have a FB account ... but I only have three friends!! Not because no one likes me, but because I only set it up to keep up with two friends who live abroad (the other one lives round the corner). I reject all the friend requests that I receive
I was very pleased to find this site.I wanted to thank you for this great read!! I definitely enjoying every little bit of it and I have you bookmarked to check out new stuff you post. Thanks for your blog
Originally Posted by Ted O'Neill: Hi MyLove- Yes, there is already a suggestion for that here: https://hey.crowdstack.com/s...people-to-follow-you This tip was just for people who might want to hide the Follow Member links entirely in the meantime. I saw it last week, commented, and voted. I was just participating in the conversation here as well LOL As an Admin, the follow feature IS a useful tool - for us as administrators, and for users who would like to be "in the know" with regard to...
As I told in the "What would you like us to do next"? survey last month, a webspace manager is just what I was looking for. Amazing to see it implemented so quickly!
When you block a person, they can no longer invite you to a private message or post to your profile wall. Replies and comments they make will be collapsed/hidden by default. Finally, you'll never receive email notifications about content they create or likes they designate for your content.
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