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Bug Hunter All-Star
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Member Rank: #8

Posts By neil

  • Crowdstack Discussion
    Crowdstack is set to fill only 66% of a browser’s window width when viewing on desktops and laptops. In my opinion, this creates a large waste of screen real estate. In the past, we were warned by Crowdstack that adjusting the display width to fill more of the screen would cause “many issues.” But after repeated requests from my community (, and my own interests in “trying,” I tempted fate and changed the width from 66% to 80% by making several small tweaks to our custom...
  • Suggestions
    It would be really convenient to have some "at a glance" shorthand "Permission Notes" in the CP's Forum Topics View showing Who Can View Subject/View Content/Post/Reply --without having to open each one. Invariably we think a permission is set a certain way for something and it's not. Put the shorthand "permission" notes in the wide-open space between the forum's name and the trashcan in a tiny font. ourURL/cp/forum-structure Shorthand examples: View Subj: All; Content: Spec Roles; Reply:...
  • Crowdstack Discussion
    Content Stream blocks seem designed to feature "recent/new" content, correct? I don't see it mentioned in the knowledge base. What can you tell me about them? When setting up a Content Stream Content Block. what is the difference between "general" and "personalized" ? And... is there a way to make an older post appear in the content stream? (i.e. to bring attention to it?)
  • Tips
    Following up on now closed discussion of some things you can do to adjust the new sticky header option. I did not want the sticky header to use my default background color, so here's the CSS for adjusting the background color of the new Sticky Header. /*adjusts sticky header to give it white background when not sticky*/ .forum-topic-sticky-header:not(.fixed) { padding: 0 !important; background-color: white; } /*background color of sticky header when sticky*/ .forum-topic-sticky-header.fixed...
  • Tips
    Thought I'd share a few of the CSS customizations we've made to our site which may be helpful to others, ...with the hope that a few of you would post your favorite customizations too. Please include your site's URL.   (Would also welcome comments from Hoop if any of these need adjusting.)     Our site:    /*hides # of views and bookmarks on a topic*/ .h-topic-metadata { display: none; } /*makes "Current Visitors" profile pics widget bigger*/...
  • Tips
    "How to put a widget in the main left column of the homepage" was one of the first questions I asked Hoop about during Beta, and I have seen many others ask the same question since. Answer: you can't put real widgets there. But I did figure out how to 'fake' one there --which also has the side option of creating 3 columns, if you like that sort of thing. Why? We like the idea of more custom content in the Main Left Column (aka " MLC "), and less of the preset content blocks feeding...
  • Tips
    Flash works in hoopla, but of course, not on iPads and Android (latest versions). We had a really good flash logo on our homepage vAnd our recent site stats told us 18% of our users were using those OS', and thus, seeing a big blank space where our...