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Flash works in hoopla, but of course, not on iPads and Android (latest versions). We had a really good flash logo on our homepage vAnd our recent site stats told us 18% of our users were using those OS', and thus, seeing a big blank space where our logo was supposed to be.

Wanted to report that Google's "Swiffy" free (beta) Flash to HTML5 conversion utility worked great on our flash logo.

After uploading the new converted HTML output file from Swiffy, we simply linked to it with an iframe tag inserted in the custom header option on or Hoopla display settings cp. Only thing we had to tweak was the new "seamless" attribute supported by some browsers -to remove the lines from around the logo created by iframe.

I plan on converting some flash presentations as well.


Update: Here is the iframe code with the 'seamless' parameters I inserted in the custom field. Apparently seamless parameters haven't been standardized yet, so you have to include several for several browsers.


--<iframe seamless="seamless" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" scrolling="no" src="" etc <iframe---

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