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Today is a big day for, with the roll-out of a major new release which includes all of the following new features:

  • Recipes: Recipes are automated workflows, with support for multiple actions per trigger.  These automations include triggers based on content being posted, users registering, user inactivity, and more.  For much more on recipes, read this blog post: Introducing Recipes
  • Censor List Improvements: We made the censor list more flexible by adding support for phrases, prefix and postfix matches, in addition to the already-supported wildcard and exact matches. We also improved our word input interface for the censor list.
  • Member Profile Queue: We added support for a new Member Profile Review queue. The Member Moderation Queue now encompasses both a Registration Approval queue and this new Profile Review queue.  You can use recipes to place changed profiles into the new queue for review.
  • Improved Sort Filters for QuestionShark: We enhanced our support topic lists by having distinct dropdown menus controlling filters and sorting, including support ascending and descending sorts, where applicable.

Screenshot 2016-05-31 12.57.45

  • User Moderation Triggers: With the addition of a member profile review queue, we also added ways to place things in that queue automatically, via recipes.  You can, for instance, review profiles when a email addresses (or other profile fields) are changed.
  • Custom Message On Private Site Splash Page: We added support for a custom description on the splash page for private sites.  This can replace the default community description. (Private groups also now support this feature.)
  • Customizable Points Formula: Super Admins can now customize the community points formula on the new "Community Points Formula" page of the Admin Control Panel.

Screenshot 2016-05-31 15.54.56

  • RSS Widgets Now Asynchronous: If you are including RSS widgets on your pages, we've improved performance by ensuring that these load asynchronously, after the rest of the page finishes loading.
  • Add/Remove/Set Points: You can now add, remove, or set points for users, either via the Manage Members control panel or via recipes.
  • Added Support For Targeting Specific Permissions Circles For Content Moderation: When you create a content moderation recipe (formerly a content moderation rule), you can now optionally limit who can review the content triggered by the recipe to specific admins.  Super Admins will always be able to view all content in the moderation queue, but they will see tabs for "Your Queue" and "Complete Queue".  This feature is great for large sites that want to divvy up content moderation in a more targeted manner.
  • Profile Picture Can Now Be Required

The biggest feature by far is the Recipes feature, which we describe in greater detail here

As usual, there are numerous other minor improvements and bug fixes.



Images (2)
  • Screenshot 2016-05-31 12.57.45
  • Screenshot 2016-05-31 15.54.56

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Thanks Brian, will do. Really interested in the possibilities of recipes. The company I work for has a home-grown forum system that isn't doing well so I took them on a tour of the site I manage and they were very impressed. IMO it would be better to migrate to a community than continue down the path of the DIY approach.

I'll submit a support topic to discuss the trigger for the scenario we've been talking about.

Brian Lenz posted:

Great! Yeah, your use case is definitely a good example of the power of Recipes Once your recipe is set up with the rules you want, you can just sit back and watch it work. As the recipe is triggered (e.g. as users register or post), it will work automatically behind the scenes, performing the tasks you assigned it to do...

Have a great weekend!

CRAP, if that's the case then I don't think I set this up right b/c the trigger would add every new member to an un-moderated permission group. Here's what it looks like:



Images (1)
  • recipe

Great! Yeah, your use case is definitely a good example of the power of Recipes Once your recipe is set up with the rules you want, you can just sit back and watch it work. As the recipe is triggered (e.g. as users register or post), it will work automatically behind the scenes, performing the tasks you assigned it to do...

Have a great weekend!

Brian Lenz
Brian Lenz posted:

Strange. The upgrade wouldn't have impacted that. If you are able to identify any specific scenario where things may be going awry, it would be great if you could put in a support topic with more details.


No worries, we only have a couple custom permission circles and it only took a minute to restore content moderation to this group.

On the other hand, I just created my first recipe! We get a lot of spam so new members are placed into a moderated permission circle and have be cleared by a moderator which adds them to a different permission circle. The recipe I created automates this (at least in theory b/c I'm not sure how to find/use a recipe).


Hi Brian, the only recent change that was made to this permission circle was that some members were removed. No permissions were edited though. Today we received comments from existing members that none of them could edit posts which was one of the granted permissions. When I investigated I noticed that only the admins had the moderate content permission. Weird.


Hey Ted, looking forward to playing with recipes. Do you know if the release would have inadvertently impacted our permissions groups. We have one group who lost the ability to edit member posts in the forum they were assigned to. I had to go back and give them the Moderate Content permission.


Last edited by Augie
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