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Tagged With "CUSTOMIZE"

Tagged With "CUSTOMIZE"

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    How can we also Display:None the breadcrumbs display on that specific custom page? (I want to embed a chat but not leave a trail back to our other chat rooms).
  • Blog Post Comment
    200 members is great but how many are free and how many are paying? What business model was used as far as pricing was concerned? The standard $25 a year? Or a larger monthly fee etc? I never watched the video, so sorry if it is mentioned there - 3am here I am too tired.
  • Blog Post Comment
    Hey Danny! I just thought I'd pipe in on this as I got the email notification that you'd responded. The video is before I had set up premium memberships and more focuses on things that I had learned about bringing new members to the site in only a couple of months and keeping them engaged. I've since set it up and do have maybe 5 paying members currently (at the standard annual rate) but I really operate the site for the love of sharing my interests with others and learning from one another...
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    The confusion surrounding social marketing is palpable. Whenever I speak with folks they believe it's only about posting to Facebook and Twitter. No one really knows how to engage customers. Now that I am blogging and writing social media posts for clients, it's a longer haul to earn traction. People and companies are so behind and had they engaged 3 years ago when everyone was excited to like, share, follow it would be easier today.
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    LinkedIn share button is coming...meanwhile, you can copy paste the URL into the LinkedIn post box and it should work fine (should you be so inclined). And I totally agree that confusion is rampant right now. Seeing the data from this study really gives perspective on how many folks are still figuring it out as they go.
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    Hello, Crowdstack's default widget code limits displayed content to avoid crowding the narrow widget column. Use a <div> tag with specific styles to create a scrollable container for the widget content. Create Custom Widget: Go to Customer/Embedded Widget settings in the control panel. Select "Add Embedded Widget". Create a Custom Embedded Widget and copy the code. Modify the widget code to show your desired content (e.g., "last 50" posts). Add Scrollbar Code: Paste the following code...