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Tagged With "Online"

Tagged With "Online"

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    Hi Rosemary, Thanks for the COPPA update. Can you call out the cavalry on the eve question shark forum? There are a bunch of us whose entire websites and forums have been down for an hour without response from social strata. Thanks so much.
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    I think the basic age limit should be raised to 18. Just had a high school senior friend me on Facebook simply because I graduated there 25 years earlier. I seriously doubt that she would really want to hang out with a 43 year old truck driver.
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    You're welcome Lynda! And the cavalry resolved the issue yesterday...I'm looking to improve our outward communications when things like that happen; we'd like to be much more proactive than we were yesterday, and I'm sorry for that. Harold, I might agree with you. It's kind of funny that the actual age issue never really came up in their discussions. It's probably because there are certain situations where you wouldn't want to lock out 15-16 year olds.
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    Great article, Rosemary! I'd just add this: to 1. - No matter HOW you define success, your community must be visible in order to be successful. I've seen too many people hide their communities so that it takes a trail of breadcrumbs and a jungle machete to find it. to 2. - Completely agree that these are questions that are best answered before you start. We've seen a number of communities try to set up "premium features" on formerly-free features.
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    Excellent points and great thoughts to consider before starting an online community. An addition to 1: How do my forum users define success, and is this congruent with my definition? What is their baseline for success, and what factors will cause them to consider the community a failure?
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    I went to opposite approach. I purchased a UBB license from Infopop to give a few friends and I a new home and blindly jumped in with both feet. I can't thank you enough for giving a complimentary license to Leo Laporte. That was my intro to the world of Social Strata.
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    Thanks all for the excellent additions to the list! LOM great one! If you're going to throw a great party, you want to focus more on the comfort of your guests than yourself, right? Harold, we've always been big fans of Leo. It's cool to hear that something we did a long time ago has rippled through the years And we've definitely benefited from having you around too!
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    Useful beginners tips Rosemary. I can relate a little of my own experience here if you don't mind. ( notice the compliment and the almost apologetic way of stepping in Groupee was the first Bloggers site I had ever joined with confidence. It was the newness of the Social network on offer that gave me a feeling of belonging. Prior to that I could not "break the ice" anywhere else. I think blogging is easier than joining a forum. Unless the forum is very specific in it's nature. In a blog you...
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    Will do! I've basically been encouraging everyone I know interested in my site concept to share it like crazy. Having the support of friends / family with thriving online social networks helps a ton. And I realized that I should sign up for a FB page so I could entice regular FB users BACK to my site by posting news and blog post links there. Learning a lot and loving what you guys are doing! Where are you located? A couple people have asked and I can't figure it out. Morgan
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    Yes, you should definitely leverage your FB presence. That will help you too. The bulk of our staff are in Seattle, WA, but a couple of us are in Charleston, SC. We're in the process of opening a second office here. It's definitely helping us to have folks in two time zones!
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    I completely agree with the post. Creating the community online is merely a way to HOST people in coming together. It allows connection,(eventually mine will also have chat as most of my members are either deaf or interpreters) People long for connection and having an online community that facilitates a place to meet gives deaf people a sense of belonging that at times they do not have if they live alone or have very little connection with people who are able to communicate with them. Thank...
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    Oh wow, thank you for such a thoughtful reply. You absolutely made my day! It will be a pleasure to see your community grow and thrive.
  • Blog Post Comment
    thank you Rosemary. i truly appreciated your post and your reply HUGS!
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    The conversation about kids online is an interesting conversation. Sometimes it is tricky to navigate these waters. Do you guys staff an ip lawyers or do you use one from the outside. I would be interested to see how small businesses handle these issues.
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    Right @Aliza Rosen the ability to comment on blogs is enabled/disabled per blog post right now. However, a workaround would be to use CSS to suppress the comment box, etc. on blogs. If you need help with that, just let me know!
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    I agree that running a startup is a lot of work. It does take sleepless nights. Whether you are running an online shopping site, or working on a local business, it requires lots of overtime. For those of you were starting on this venture, good luck!
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    Originally Posted by Rosemary O'Neill: One final tip: there's no crying in baseball. This job requires someone who can think on their feet, be resourceful, deal with slings and arrows effectively, suppress their own ego, and keep a cool head at all times. It's a tall order, but you're not alone out there! D*mn straight. I think my year long stint as a forum moderator of two forums stretched me more personally than any other job has before. I have the greatest of respect for anyone who does...
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    So right, LOM, and that's another great tip: be ready to admit if you screw up. Thanks for adding that one in's an important one.
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    Was this an offer to be a Community mgr? Lil FYI, the main page video does not show up in IE 9. It's just a red x, unless you hit compatibility mode.
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    That was a generous offer in my email Rosemary, of "one of the coolest, most challenging jobs on earth".(In the email that was sent to everyone who has a watch on Social Strata I would guess). Not sure I can fit in the post of 'community manager' in as I am a full time grandparent these days and looking after my kids is far and away more preferable than a similar job on the UK Big Brother forum.......... Good luck though
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    Thanks JC, we'll look into that bug... Little did I know that the way I chose to start this blog entry would confuse so many people! Sorry about that... We're also dealing with a possible notification glitch that sent email notices to a much larger group than it should have. If you received the email notice of this post and didn't want it, we apologize!
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