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Tagged With "management"

Tagged With "management"

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    So right, LOM, and that's another great tip: be ready to admit if you screw up. Thanks for adding that one in's an important one.
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    Was this an offer to be a Community mgr? Lil FYI, the main page video does not show up in IE 9. It's just a red x, unless you hit compatibility mode.
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    That was a generous offer in my email Rosemary, of "one of the coolest, most challenging jobs on earth".(In the email that was sent to everyone who has a watch on Social Strata I would guess). Not sure I can fit in the post of 'community manager' in as I am a full time grandparent these days and looking after my kids is far and away more preferable than a similar job on the UK Big Brother forum.......... Good luck though
  • Blog Post Comment
    Thanks JC, we'll look into that bug... Little did I know that the way I chose to start this blog entry would confuse so many people! Sorry about that... We're also dealing with a possible notification glitch that sent email notices to a much larger group than it should have. If you received the email notice of this post and didn't want it, we apologize!
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    I like your article and it really gives an outstanding idea that is very helpful for all the people. Keep sharing. executive offices south palm beach
  • Blog Post Comment
    I personally feel that holding public debates is the way of maintaining civility..... And your ideas seems to be quite promising. Thanks for sharing. las vegas real estate
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    The parking attendants are pretty good with holidays. They gave stuff out at Halloween too (though not roses).
  • Blog Post Comment
    I love this system of being able to give feedback. I love feeling insidery. I've had a couple of sites that have been really important to me and have been wonderful in so many ways, but with both of them I felt like I was shouting into the wind when I wanted to have some input into what I needed. Even though I haven't been here long enough to see a suggestion of mine come to fruition, I'm still getting feedback on whether you guys think it's a good idea, and if so, then at least letting me...
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    Thanks so much for the vote of confidence LOM! We're delighted to have you here, and I've already found myself nodding in agreement on your suggestions
  • Blog Post Comment
    I think there's still a place for a little bit of Stalin. Ok, maybe not in the arena of criticism, and some controversy is always going to happen. I've had to perform one execution as a moderator and I've never regretted the decision, though with different tools and more experience I might have been able to find a better way (though I still doubt it). Other than that, I guess I'm bits of all of these - if I had to pick one, I'm more of a border collie, but without the idea of the "correct"...
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    Ireland is apparently popular for multinationals setting up their European HQ. Corporate taxes are relatively favorable and as a bonus, it's English speaking and has the Euro as currency (accepted in about the rest of Europe) as opposed to the British pound. No wonder tech companies like Apple and Microsoft have their European HQ's in the area as well. It's also famous for it's pub culture, Guinness, and is number 7 in the list of most beer consuming countries. Sounds good to me.
  • Blog Post Comment
    Thanks for the resources and links. The "planner" offers some good reminders. My Wish: That CrowdHoop would incorporate CM tools and reminders/metrics into the actual interface (rather than on paper). Seems like a logical development since it's the community interface where we spend our time. I'd start with optioning the "calendar" module into a "planning and scheduling tool" for community managers and their team (and not open to everyone). Each day/week/month could incorporate certain...
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    Hi Robert, I'd be happy to chat with you. Our FeePod fee structure has changed over the last few months, and might be more of an option. I'll send you an email shortly so we can chat further offline.
  • Topic Reply
    Thanks Rosemary! Let me get with my team and I’ll follow up with you soon. Robert > On Apr 7, 2020, at 4:22 PM, Hey Stack! -- The Official Crowdstack Community < [email protected] > wrote: >
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    Looking forward to learning the new admin layout, Ted. As a long time customer, I'm impressed with how often you not only improve the product but evolve it. I understand what you are changing "graemlins" to "emoticons" but hope it doesn't mean you're planning to someday retire the animated graemlins. I've always enjoyed them, think they're superior to boring emoticons, and consider them to be a bit of both your company's "DNA" and my own online