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Tagged With "media"

Tagged With "media"

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    Oh Rosemary! What a wonderful blog. Very honest and heartfelt. I've never done a social network site... and increasingly I'm glad I don't get tied up in the white noise that people seem to have to deal with. I like a simple existence. I like to be in control of anything I say or post. This isn't a puff piece for LC as some may see it, but I'm comfortable here... and I know it's a social network site too!
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    You do all that before feeding those kiddies? And you cook! If I am honest It is the Small business feel that attracts me to LiveCloud. Some of the Faceless options out there just turn me off. So from my point of view your "recipe" is very tasty. I would love to know how you manage your Email in box...
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    LOL, but breakfast is usually something "instant." It makes everything so much more fun when we get to know our customers and they become friends. Makes me want to get up at 6am When are you coming back to visit us in the States again? I use my email inbox as a "to do" list. First run through and delete all of the spam (even with filtering, there's a lot). Then respond to the quick items, then go top to bottom for the longer responses. Then read the blogs, deleting the ones I don't need to...
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    Well visiting America/Seattle depends on Elizabeths recovery from this Pemphigoid condition. It is so sensitive that we fear a prolonged flight may antagonise it. However people are supposed to recover so we will see. We would love to Amtrak it from Chicago to Seattle have va few days with you lot again then go back via a different route. Probably expensive but worth it.
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    I love this system of being able to give feedback. I love feeling insidery. I've had a couple of sites that have been really important to me and have been wonderful in so many ways, but with both of them I felt like I was shouting into the wind when I wanted to have some input into what I needed. Even though I haven't been here long enough to see a suggestion of mine come to fruition, I'm still getting feedback on whether you guys think it's a good idea, and if so, then at least letting me...
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    Thanks so much for the vote of confidence LOM! We're delighted to have you here, and I've already found myself nodding in agreement on your suggestions
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    Ireland is apparently popular for multinationals setting up their European HQ. Corporate taxes are relatively favorable and as a bonus, it's English speaking and has the Euro as currency (accepted in about the rest of Europe) as opposed to the British pound. No wonder tech companies like Apple and Microsoft have their European HQ's in the area as well. It's also famous for it's pub culture, Guinness, and is number 7 in the list of most beer consuming countries. Sounds good to me.
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    Brian, it warms my heart to see someone like you, who is very knowledgeable about the tech side of things on the internet, and who is much younger than I am, do something like this. The issues you raised are spot on and have motivated me to do the same thing. I got a Faceplant page about 2 years ago solely for family purposes. I think I have 8 "friends." My daughter was posting pics of the grandkids there at the time. However, due to the privacy concerns you linked to in your post, she has...
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    Hi Rich, Thank you for the thoughtful and kind words! It's humbling to hear. I can't believe it's been over 5 years now since I wrote this post and quit Facebook. I can tell you that I've never looked back After a nasty election cycle like this year, I can definitively say I don't miss it at all! Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts; enjoy the Facebook-free life Brian
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    The confusion surrounding social marketing is palpable. Whenever I speak with folks they believe it's only about posting to Facebook and Twitter. No one really knows how to engage customers. Now that I am blogging and writing social media posts for clients, it's a longer haul to earn traction. People and companies are so behind and had they engaged 3 years ago when everyone was excited to like, share, follow it would be easier today.
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    LinkedIn share button is coming...meanwhile, you can copy paste the URL into the LinkedIn post box and it should work fine (should you be so inclined). And I totally agree that confusion is rampant right now. Seeing the data from this study really gives perspective on how many folks are still figuring it out as they go.