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All of the interest in our unlimited paid leave policy got me thinking about some of the other changes we've made recently.  One of my favorite changes was combining two weekly meetings into one.  We used to have a Monday "staff meeting," and a separate Wednesday "management meeting."  The Monday meeting was a somewhat perfunctory series of announcements, telling everyone what each group was doing (yawn).  The Wednesday meeting was more of a roll-up-your-sleeves and deal with issues thing.

As we evaluated all of our policies and practices, we realized that there's no earthly reason not to let everyone in on the details of the Wednesday meeting.  So we changed the Monday meeting to a "Kickoff Meeting," and invite everyone to participate actively.  We still give a rundown of progress toward corporate goals, but we also allow room for getting work done.  The cross-group communication has been great, and we've saved ourselves several man-hours per week, just in meeting time.

While larger corporations couldn't hold weekly meetings of the entire staff, I think most businesses could benefit from evaluating the usefulness of their recurring meetings.  We've put 7 man-hours of time (or more) back into the hopper, just with this simple move.

How many meetings could you do away with at your company and not miss a beat?


I'd love to hear your thoughts here in the comments, or connect with me on Twitter.

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We get one of those horrible 10 minute meetings around a white board every morning at 10.30 There is a stupid name for them but I forget what it is. Pace setter or Lean I think)

Gahhh performance indicators, targets,  "The 3 C's" (don't ask) H & E  considerations. Issues. and AOB. all while standing looking at a board with so many figures on they lose their purpose.

Predicted hours of work / actual hours worked. Priorities....

All spouted off parrot fashion. You walk away back to your desk and forget about it.

We used to have really meaningful weekly meetings for up to an hour. But were told we were wasting time, so we do 5, 10 minute ones instead... Now let me work that out.. 5x10=50mins... 60 minutes in and hour less 50 minutes... Hey we saved 10 minutes a week  Ahh but deduct the extra time logging in and out of the computer 5 times a day,, also take into the calculation that people wander off to make a coffee after every meeting and hey presto.. You have gained nothing and lost a really meaningful meeting that had valuable team building opportunities.

Still we have lots of white board's all over the room that managers can stand and look at nodding with satisfaction.. I have yet to find out what they find satisfying.....
James The  Jovial Jester
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