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Photo by Matt Botsford on Unsplash


Yesterday, Brian and I went to KUOW in Seattle, the local NPR affiliate, to record an interview with veteran journalist Jennifer Ludden.  It aired on All Things Considered this evening:

Click here to see full story (and get audio) from NPR website

We got the chance to talk about our unlimited paid leave policy, which went into effect a few months ago.  It's always fun doing new things, and this was my first time in a radio studio.

Here's a picture of what I was looking at:


We're proud to be part of the 1% of employers who trust their employees enough to offer this benefit.  Online community is a 24 hour deal, so we have several people who find themselves up and working in the middle of the night.  I feel strongly that when someone cuts into their life for their job on a regular basis, making a full investment in your goals, then you should do the same.  They deserve to be able to manage their time so that they can have a complete life.  Well-rounded people make great team members and great people to be around, period.


I'd love to hear your thoughts here in the comments, or connect with me on Twitter.


Images (2)
  • IMG_0497: KUOW Studio
  • IMG_0496: Brian in studio

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