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Creating a robots.txt file

For those that own a site, I might make the recommendation that you research how to add a robots.txt file to your site.  I ran a link checker on my SocialStrata website and I noticed there are a lot of links that would send a search engine spider down a rabbits hole.  What you want is Google and Bing indexing your quality content pages.  I created the following robots.txt file:


User-agent: *
Disallow: /pin/
Disallow: /display-forum-avatar/
Disallow: /join/
Disallow: /login/
Disallow: /printer-friendly-topic/
Disallow: /redirect-to-user-social-network/
Disallow: /static/


To the SocialStrata admins, I might even consider making this a default setting in everyone's account because this would improve spidering of pages and lessen the load on your server hardware.



Bradley Blinn
Original Post